An Entrepreneurial Spirit

Many college students aspire to start their own businesses or become their own bosses; however, there is usually a caveat: someday. It’s understandable. Taking the risk and making the jump can be scary.  What if...

Dining with a discount

It's no secret that college students often don't have an abundance of cash which is why we love free stuff and we love discounts! One of the perks of being an Arkansas Tech University...

Making Friends in College

Making friends in college can seem difficult and intimidating and it can feel isolating. The reality, though, is that everyone is actually feeling the same way and everyone wants to make friends! If you...

Staccato Synergy

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic of 2020 has affected every student differently. Universally, time management efforts have stepped up and new interpretations of language have formed due to masked communication. One particular discipline permeated my...

It is okay to change your mind

I am here to say that it is okay to not know what your future holds. I am the poster child for taking the long route to decided what to do with my life....

6 Tips to Help Decide Which College Major is Right for You

Choosing a major can be challenging. What degree will prepare you for your future? What degree do you find most interesting? What career options will your degree provide? These are questions many freshmen and even...

In a University Far, Far Away

Attending college in a different state can be daunting. If you are an out of state student, luckily, you're not alone! In the fall of 2020, ATU recorded hosting over 650 out-of-state students. I...

Lina’s Story

A passion for people and a desire to see the world are what inspired 29-year-old Lina Elshrief to apply for a Fulbright scholarship and what would eventually bring her all the way from the...

I graduated from college. Now what?

After spending, what felt like, endless nights reading chapters, working problems, writing papers, and studying for exams, you have finally earned your degree! You now have the chance to steer your life in the...

10 Tips For A Great Advising Session

So you are preparing to meet with your advisor for the first time? Your academic and career advisor is your go-to person for questions about choosing your major, setting up your schedule, and being...