I graduated from college. Now what?

After spending, what felt like, endless nights reading chapters, working problems, writing papers, and studying for exams, you have finally earned your degree! You now have the chance to steer your life in the...

Making Friends in College

Making friends in college can seem difficult and intimidating and it can feel isolating. The reality, though, is that everyone is actually feeling the same way and everyone wants to make friends! If you...

In a University Far, Far Away

Attending college in a different state can be daunting. If you are an out of state student, luckily, you're not alone! In the fall of 2020, ATU recorded hosting over 650 out-of-state students. I...

What college students wish they could say to their parents about moving home for...

Many college students graduate not only as experts in their fields but also in the art of moving. Students live on or near campus for 9 months while they are in school and when...