Fifty-six Arkansas Tech University students presented the results of 2020-21 research projects during a series of events on Wednesday, April 7.
Below are the titles of each presentation along with the names of the students who performed the research.
University Honors Presentations
“The Effectiveness of Blended Learning”
Mattie Boortz
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Rebecca Callaway
“Determination of Co-Expression in LAMPURDSM4197”
Lauren Brown
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Newton Hilliard
“Wings of the Alchemist: A Novella”
Camden Burris
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Donna White
“Match-3 Mansion”
Jack Button
Faculty Mentor: Dustin Simpson
“Fighting for Money: The Role of Conflict in Foreign Aid Allocation”
Alexandria Cisco
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Christopher Housenick
“State Health Alliance for Records Exchange”
Karrie Cochran
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Melinda Wilkins
“An Overview of the Effectivity and Impact of Non-Profit and Government Outreach Programs in Developing Countries”
Haley Cox
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Jack Tucci
“A Study of the Antibacterial Properties of the Sodium Beta-Toxin Na668 Against Escherichia Coli”
Halie Eastham
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Tsunemi Yamashita
“What Factors Lead to Burnout in Pediatric Nurses?”
Hope Emerson
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Susan Self and Dr. Laura Jobe
“Image Processing and Classification of Wildfires”
Austin Espejo
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Muhammad Khan
“The Determination of Co-Expression in Ecthiorhodospira”
Hailey Falies
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Newton Hilliard
“Violence Against Women in Horror Movies as a Punishment for Female Sexuality”
Carly Farris
Faculty Mentor: Prof. Frances Roberson
“Constructed Language Project: The Gaordi Language”
Amanda Hampton
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Anita Arwen Taylor
“The Legal and Political Reaction of Arkansas to the Internment of American Citizens of Japanese Descent During World War II”
MiKayla Jayroe
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Jeff Woods
“Bacterial Inhibition of Na668”
Charisma Khilling*
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Tsunemi Yamashita
“Analysis of Federal Land Management Agencies’ Employment of Women and Minorities”
Grace McMahon
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Doug Barron
“Taxation on Professional Sports Teams and Stadiums”
Scarlett Moore and Jessie Whitten
Faculty Mentor: Ms. Tracy Johnston
“Vaccination Hesitance: The Role Gardasil Plays in Cervical Cancer Prevention”
Katie Pacheco
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Cynthia Jacobs
“An Analysis of Aerogel’s Use as a Mainstream Insulating Material”
Brayden Rainwater
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Mehmet Kelestemur
“An Analysis of the Impact of Politicized Media on American Democracy”
Emilee Smith
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Brendan Toner
“Digital Twitter Strategy During a Presidential Campaign”
Jeanessa Smith
Faculty Mentor: Dr. John Narcum
“Contemporary Issues in Pathology”
Jesse Van Duren
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Mrigendra Rajput
“Using Docker to Create a Flexible, Powerful and Privacy-Oriented Home Server”
Ryne Whitaker
Faculty Mentor: Dr. David Hoelzeman
*Note: Charisma Khilling died on March 21, 2021. She is listed here in honor of the work she completed on this project.
Undergraduate Presentations
“An Improved Estimation Method for the Binomial Probability Under Restricted Parameter Space with Major League Baseball Data Application”
Kedran Young
“EHE Dream Challenge COVID-19: A Machine Learning Based Approach to Assist COVID-19 Diagnosis Using Electronic Health Records”
Andres Dewendt Urdaneta
“Role of Neprilysin in Energy Metabolism and Physical Activity”
Nicolas Jones and Hannah Halmes
“Studies on Anthocyanins from Sambucus Canadensis and Their Biological Activity”
Amber Parnell
“Distribution Pattern of Oak Species (Qeurcus Sp.) in Arkansas and Local Assembly Processes”
Boone Ruston
“Relationship Between Seed Mass and Establishment Conditions in Woody Species in Arkansas”
Alexander Gillies
“The Effect of Internal Speech on Approach and Avoidance of Alcohol Cues”
Kiley West and Sloane Coffey
“Are Social Media Notifications Capable of Involuntarily Shifting our Attention?”
Halle Woker
“From In Vitro Lead to In Vivo Treatment for Neuroinflammation”
Spencer Parnell and Jordan Gober
Graduate Student In–Person Presentations
“The Potential for Hydrogen as the Fuel of the Future”
Kevin McDannold and Noah Beavers, Mechanical Engineering
“Intentional International Presence of United Nations Headquarters in Europe”
Kelsea DuVall, History
“Teacher Views about COVID-19 and Vaccinations”
Drew Saunders, MBA-Data Analytics
“Gaining Insight from Faculty Experience”
Taylor Whillock, Student Affairs Administration
“How COVID-19 Has Affected First Year Students’ Feelings of Mattering on a College Campus”
Callie Townsend, Student Affairs Administration
“Enhancing the Fitness and Academics of Children Using Technology in the School”
Michelle Khoo, Strength and Conditioning Studies
“Winter Habitat Use of Rust Blackbirds (Euphagus carolinus) in Arkansas”
Araks Ohanyan, Fisheries and Wildlife Science
“Policies and Practices Regarding Transgender Students”
Matthew White, EDD-School Leadership
“Time Out from Tech: Discovering Why ATU Students Delayed”
Brian Mallory, Student Affairs Administration
“First-Generation Students vs. Non-First-Generation Students Paths to College”
Holly Haynes, Student Affairs Administration
Graduate Student Virtual Presentations
“Money or Grades: Student Employment’s Effect on Academic Performance”
Amber Robinet, Student Affairs Administration
“Improving Student-Athlete Mental Health Programs”
Mackenzie Douglas, Student Affairs Administration
“Influence of Polymorphims in Dopamine Regulating and Receptor Genes on Aspirational Quality and Approach Motivation”
Harry Henry-Ojo, Psychology
“Representation Of African American/Black Men Educators In K-12 Public Schools: Impact Of Recruitment, Retention and Responsibilities To Education”
Tekyesha Gault Anderson, EDD-School Leadership
“Speak Up Hattie”
Spencer Hurlbut, History
“Security and Privacy of Health Informatics”
Kaleb McMillion, Health Informatics
“Red, White and Boom at Scioto Aubudon Operational Plan”
Jecy Weber, Homeland Security and Emergency Management
“Influences of Interior Lest Tern (Sternula antillarum) Colony Success: Site Features. Disturbances and Predation”
Carice Godbrey, Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences
“Mental Health Awareness for College Freshman”
Cierra Collins, Student Affairs Administration