Norman Career Services has replaced their old job and internship finder, Wonderlink, with ATU Careerlink.
Norman Career Services has replaced their old job and internship finder, Wonderlink, with ATU Careerlink.
ATU Careerlink is an online electronic job management system that provides students and alumni with the opportunity to create a profile and upload a resume to search for jobs. There are on-campus work study jobs, internships, full-time and part-time jobs listed through the program.
Potential employers can also access the system to post jobs and internships, so they can specifically hire Tech students and alumni. It also allows students to schedule on-campus interviews, RSVP to information sessions, career fairs, and workshops.
Additionally, there is a news feed where students can stay up to date with all that is going on at Norman Career Services. Students can also begin networking with professionals in their field of interest.