A member of the Arkansas Tech University faculty is extending his lessons in psychology to a broadcast audience.
A member of the Arkansas Tech University faculty is extending his lessons in psychology to a broadcast audience.
Dr. Jason Warnick, associate professor of psychology at Arkansas Tech, is hosting a program entitled “Psychology: Cover to Cover” on radio station KXRJ 91.9 FM this fall.
His guests so far this semester have included Dr. William Buskist, Distinguished Professor in the Teaching of Psychology at Auburn University and a faculty fellow at Auburn’s Biggio Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning.
The next edition of “Psychology: Cover to Cover” is scheduled for 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 16.
Warnick’s guest will be Assistant Professor Dr. Allan V. Kalueff of the Tulane University School of Medicine. Kalueff’s research interests include experimental models of brain disorders, translational neuroscience, neuropsychopharmacology of anxiety, stress, depression, the serotonergic system and pharmacogenetics.
Future guests later this semester will include Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology Dr. Kelly Wilson of the University of Mississippi and Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs and Professor of Education Dr. David Underwood of Arkansas Tech.
In addition to listening over the air at KXRJ 91.9 FM, interested parties can also listen over the Internet at the KXRJ Web site.
For more information about “Psychology: Cover to Cover” on KXRJ, send e-mail to jwarnick@atu.edu.