The Red Flag Campaign at Arkansas Tech has brought The Clothesline Project to campus to help raise awareness about domestic violence.
T-shirts with true stories are displayed in the Doc Bryan Courtyard for students to browse through today.
Additionally, donations are being accepted for the River Valley Shelter for Battered Women and Children.
The shelter is in need of diapers size 2 and up, pull ups, wipes, Pedialite, socks for children and women, underwear for children and women, hair brushes, hair accessories, nail clippers, baby shampoo, batteries, over the counter medications, toiletries, hair dryers, curling irons, flat irons, etc.
The shelter turns in used cell phones and accessories and ink cartridges to raise money for the shelter, so those items are also being accepted.
Donations should be dropped off in Witherspoon Room 356 by Friday.
Dr. Julie Mikles-Schulterman said the campaign is designed to encourage friends and the campus community to speak out when they witness warning signs, or red flags, for dating violence in a friend’s relationship.
Be sure to log back on for more information about each event.