Tech Student Pursues Singing Career

Arkansas Tech student Rachel Ornsbey, of Plainview, knows the value of hard work, dedication and sacrifice in pursuit of a singing/songwriting career.

Since the age of 15, Ornsbey has enjoyed writing and recording songs that send a positive message, from love ballads to fast beat country songs.

Pursuing a career in the music industry is a long and tedious process that requires hard work and persistence, according to Ornsbey. “My family has given up so much to let me pursue my dream and without them nothing would be possible,” she said.

To make herself stand out from the crowd Ornsbey says she just wants to be true to herself. She partially credits for her success her performance in Tech Idol last year and her willingness to sing in front of any crowd.

Ornsbey advises those interested in a music career to spend some time learning how to play an instrument and about music in general.

Finding inspiration from relationships, heartache, friends, country living, and even deer camp, Ornsbey says the most important aspect of songwriting is learning how to put everything together.

Becoming a high school social studies teacher or basketball coach may also be in the future for Ornsbey. Also coming from a sports background, she recognizes the similarities between the dedication required for becoming a singer and a teacher or coach.

“The thing I learned is that you can’t give up. If I have to move away to do what I love then that is just something that has to be done.”
