Tech Hoops for Heart Earns Statewide Award

Arkansas Tech University physical education students were recognized at the Arkansas Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (ArkAHPERD) Conference in Little Rock this month for organizing the most successful collegiate Hoops for Heart program in the state.

The Hoops for Heart event at Arkansas Tech last spring raised the most money of any such program on any college campus in Arkansas during the 2009-10 academic year.

In honor of their achievement, students from the Arkansas Tech Department of Physical Education organization and administration class were presented with a traveling trophy that will remain on the Tech campus until next year’s ArkAHPERD Conference.

“The students in the organization and administration class will go on to become physical education teachers and coaches, so it is important that they learn how to run events like Hoops for Heart,” said Cindra Roberson, who taught the class and is a lecturer of health and physical education at Arkansas Tech. “They need to know how to run tournaments and fund raisers, so Hoops for Heart is the way we take the knowledge they learn in the classroom and apply it in a way that is both educational for the students and beneficial to the community.”

Hoops for Heart is a joint initiative by the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance and the American Heart Association.

According to the Hoops for Heart national Web site, the program is “designed to educate middle school age youth about the benefits of physical activity and to raise money to support the important work of the American Heart Association.”

Approximately 5,000 schools participate in Hoops for Heart on an annual basis.

Click here to learn more about the national Hoops for Heart program.
