Tech Connect Activities Begin Saturday Afternoon


Once freshmen have said last minute goodbyes to their families on Saturday, they will have multiple opportunities to make new friends, get familiar with the campus and network with faculty.

At 5 p.m., the fun begins with a picnic dinner sponsored by Student Government Association. Students will be able to join faculty for a meal on Chambers lawn and mingle with other students.

Following the picnic, Tech Orientation and Student Activities Board are hosting “Playfair.” This event is an energetic and enthusiastic way to possibly meet more people in one night than students normally would in a semester.

Organizers say students should wear their tennis shoes and be prepared to move around for “Playfair.”

Additionally, new students will be able to participate in “Tech the Night Away.” This event will offer food, airbrush tattoos, novelties, cash and prize giveaways and more.

“Tech the Night Away” will begin at 9:30 p.m. in Doc Bryan. It is sponsored by Student Activities Board. Only incoming freshmen will be admitted.

Click here for more information about Tech Connect orientation activities.
