Students Take Part in Mock Election

Three registered student organizations at Arkansas Tech University worked together to host a mock 2012 presidential election to increase students’ awareness of the political process.

Three registered student organizations at Arkansas Tech University worked together to host a mock 2012 presidential election to increase students’ awareness of the political process.

The mock presidential election was conducted by the Arkansas Tech Pre-Law Society, the College Republicans and the Young Democrats.

A total of 171 individuals participated in the mock election. Republican nominee Mitt Romney received 51 percent of the vote, while Democratic nominee President Barack Obama received 37 percent of the vote. Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson collected 5 percent of the vote, while 1 percent of voters in the mock presidential election selected Green Party candidate Jill Stein and less than 1 percent voted for Party for Socialism and Liberation Party candidate Peta Lindsay.

Brock Price, president of the Arkansas Tech Pre-Law Society, reported that the remaining votes were distributed among a variety of write-in candidates. 
