Students Prepare for Campus Broadcasting

More than 160 students gathered this week to prepare for broadcasting on the campus television station and radio station.

Students enrolled in the broadcast practicum class will work each week to prepare a television newscast on the campus television station, Tech TV, or a radio program on KXRJ 91.9 FM, the campus radio station.

The students will oversee multiple aspects of the show including writing scripts, interviewing, running equipment and scheduling show guests.

Anthony Caton, head of the Department of Speech, Theatre and Journalism and director of broadcasting, says the hands-on nature of the course sets students up for success.

“The students rotate in the role they oversee from week to week,” said Caton.  “By the time a semester ends, each student has had the opportunity to work in multiple positions. This experience helps the students learn what aspect of broadcast is of interest, but it also helps them to have a firm grip on a variety of skills, which is pertinent for success after they complete their degree.”

Students taking the class this fall will also enjoy access to a new broadcast facility. The 2,400 square-foot facility, housed in the Energy Center, will feature a multi-set television studio, newsroom, master control, editing room, radio control room and radio interview room.

Additionally, the new facility will feature enhanced technology offerings for students.

“The technology in this industry has seen significant changes in recent years,” said Caton. “The new facility also means new equipment and learning opportunities for our students. Having the same equipment that is used in the industry is important for employability.  If our students are already familiar with the type of equipment that is being used in the profession, they are much more competitive in a hiring process.”

The facility will also mark the first time television and radio operations have been housed in the same facility.  Previously, the Tech TV was housed in Crabaugh Hall, while KXRJ studios were located in the Witherspoon Building.

Learn more about the Arkansas Tech Department of Speech, Theatre and Journalism.
