Kristen Olson, senior recreation and park administration/therapeutic recreation major from Mena, AR, is receiving the Belinda Byrns Memorial Scholarship.
Austin Long, freshman from Russellville, is receiving the Vance Family Scholarship.
Allen Blackford, senior from Russellville, majoring in Public History, is receiving the Lawrence Evans Memorial Scholarship.
Brooke Hamby, senior nursing major from Van Buren, AR, is receiving the Hazel Thrasher Memorial Scholarship
Sarah Trusty, junior from Subiaco, AR, majoring in History with a minor in Pre-Law, is receiving the Mary Teresa Shinn Scholarship.
Stephanie Snowden, senior Accounting and Management and Marketing major from West Fork, AR, is receiving the Accounting Alumni Scholarship.
Greg Nesdahl, senior nursing major from Conway, is receiving the Hazel Thrasher Memorial Scholarship and the Eupha Sue Knox Nursing Scholarship.
Cory Gower, freshman from Belleville, AR, is receiving the Yell County Scholarship.
Kari Bearden, senior early childhood education major from Fox, AR, is receiving the J.L. and Florence Cooper Scholarship.
Karen Ricketts, senior journalism major from Charleston, AR, is receiving the Dana Coffman Journalism Scholarship.
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