The Arkansas Tech University community will have the opportunity to make its voice heard during a strategic planning forum on Thursday, Oct. 8.
The forum will take place from 6-8 p.m. in Witherspoon Auditorium.
Hosted by the Financial Structure and Operations Working Group, working group members will be present at the forum to hear input and feedback concerning the financial priorities for Arkansas Tech. Forum participants are asked to come prepared with ideas to address:
- What priorities should Tech place on planning for technology over the next few years?
- Are there any building or other facility concerns which need to be a priority?
- How should we prioritize faculty academic support (faculty salaries, grants for faculty research, etc.)?
- How should we prioritize student academic support (scholarships, student research, etc.)?
Participation from students, faculty, staff and the Russellville community in this process is strongly encouraged. Those unable to attend the forum may submit comments and ideas via e-mail to or through the feedback channel on the strategic planning website:
Learn more about the other strategic planning forums planned.