Applications for the 2011-12 Arkansas Tech Spirit Squads are due by 5 p.m. today in the Spirit Squad Office in Young or the Office of Student Services in Doc Bryan.
A 500 word essay explaining the students’ interest in being a cheerleader or Golden Girl is also required. Tryouts will be held Saturday, April 2.
Those wishing to audition for the Arkansas Tech Cheerleading Squads must attend clinics prior to tryouts. The cheer and dance clinics will take place from 5-9 p.m. on Thursday, March 31, and on Friday, April 1, at Tucker Coliseum. During the clinic, participants will learn the required tryout material.
Those trying out for either squad will be required to pay a $15 clinic fee, and students must be considered full-time students with a cumulative 2.0 GPA. Entering freshmen must meet entrance requirements of the university.
Visit the Spirit Squads website for more about the specific tryout skills. Click here to access tryout forms.
For additional information, please contact Brandy Bland at