Social Media Training Workshops

Arkansas Tech University is making it easier for campus departments to learn more about social media.

The Office of University Relations has announced several training sessions for those campus departments and organizations that wish to learn more about how to use social media.

Recently, the Office of University Relations created social media guidelines to assist university entities that wish to have a social media presence.  Topics covered in the guidelines include page creation, branding guidelines and best practices for posting content.  Access the Social Media Guidelines.

During the training sessions, participants will be able to work with university personnel to create a social media presence and ask questions about social media.

“We know that social media plays an important role in communicating with current students, alumni, future students and parents.  For those entities that wish to have a presence, we hope the social media guidelines and training sessions will provide support and help ensure the sites implement the university brand,” explained Carrie Phillips, assistant director of new media at Arkansas Tech.

Each session will take place in the Ross Pendergraft Library and Technology Center.

The sessions will be offered at the following times:

  • Tuesday, January 11 th– 3-5 p.m. – Room 334
  • Wednesday, January 12 th– 10 a.m.-12 p.m. – Room 334
  • Wednesday, January 19 th– 3-5 p.m. – Room 331

Each session is open to twenty participants, and more sessions will be added if needed.

To sign up to attend a session, email Phillips at
