SGA Applications Due Today

Student Government Association (SGA) applications are due today for students wishing to serve on the 2012-2013 board.

Applications may be picked up in the Office of Student Services on the second floor of the Doc Bryan Student Services Building in Room 233.

Those wishing to run must be able to attend the weekly SGA meeting Wednesdays 12:15-12:50 p.m.

The positions that are available for the upcoming election include:

  • Freshman Senator (3)
  • Non-Traditional Student Senator
  • College of Professional  Studies Senator
  • Graduate Student Senator

Students should return their completed application to the Office of Student Services by 5 p.m. this afternoon.

To vote students will have to register on theLink and become part of the SGA page.

Voting is set for September 12 on theLink.

For more information contact SGA President Wallace Mullins at
