Second Officer Transition Workshop Offered

The Department of Campus Life will offer a second Officer Transition Workshop this weekend to provide students with an opportunity to learn skills that will allow them to better serve their organizations.

The workshop is scheduled for Saturday, March 31, from 9 a.m. to noon on the Arkansas Tech campus. Check in will begin at 8:30 a.m. in the Doc Bryan Rotunda.

Those who are new leaders of student organizations or students who are interested in assuming leadership positions are encouraged to attend the workshop.

Topics covered will include budgeting and fundraising, communication, event planning, goal setting, team building, marketing your organization and organization membership: engaging, recruiting, sustaining.

Forms may be picked up in Student Services. The form should be completed and returned to Aubrey Holt, coordinator of student life, in Doc Bryan 233.

For more information, contact Aubrey Holt at 479.968.0276 or email
