SAB Hosts Super Bowl Bash

Arkansas Tech students will have the chance to win up to $200 in prizes just by watching the Super Bowl on Sunday.  The Student Activities Board is hosting a Super Bowl Bash Sunday in the Young Game Room.

The festivities begin at 4 p.m. with the pre-game coverage and a football toss competition.

Kick-off between the Indianapolis Colts and the New Orleans Saints is set for 5:30 p.m.

In addition to watching the game, the Student Activities Board will be providing free snacks to those in attendance.

SAB officials say students attending the party can win up to $200 in door prizes that will be given away throughout the evening.  Students will also have the chance to score a Peyton Manning or a Drew Brees jersey.

The event is free to students with a valid Tech identification card.  To find out more, visit the SAB website.
