Friends and colleagues will gather Saturday for a retirement reception celebrating Dr. Richard Cohoon’s distinguished service at Arkansas Tech.
The reception will be from 4-6 p.m. at the Lake Point Event Center Dining Room. Everyone is invited to wish Cohoon well as he completes 52 years as a member of the Arkansas Tech faculty.
The Arkansas Tech University Board of Trustees accepted the retirement of Dr. Richard Cohoon, the longest-serving faculty member in the history of the university, during a meeting earlier this month.
Cohoon has been a part of the Arkansas Tech community for more than half of the 103-year history of the institution.
“I have enjoyed my association with Tech’s students, faculty colleagues and senior administrative personnel,” wrote Cohoon in his letter of retirement. “Each day I was energized by the person-to-person interactions and challenges in our efforts to provide the best educational experience to those young people who wisely chose to come to Tech.”