The Cavaliers, a seven-time Drum Corps International champion organization based in Rosemont, Ill., will perform alongside students attending the Arkansas Tech University high school band camp on Wednesday, July 20.
The performance will begin at 6:45 p.m. at Thone Stadium at Buerkle Field in Russellville. Admission will be free and open to the public.
Members of the campus community may also watch the Cavaliers perform at 9:15 p.m. on Tuesday, July 19, at Thone Stadium at Buerkle Field.
“Our band camp students will have an opportunity to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with individuals who do an activity very similar to theirs, and they do it at the highest possible level,” said Dr. Daniel Belongia, associate professor of music and director of bands at Arkansas Tech. “I hope that the students walk away inspired and that it will fuel their personal motivation to grow, as well as taking that feeling with them to positively influence their band programs back home.”
Belongia said that at one point during Wednesday night’s event at Thone Stadium at Buerkle Field there will be approximately 450 performers on the field.
Visit or call (479) 968-0368 to learn more about public performances hosted by the Arkansas Tech Department of Music.