Arkansas Tech University students are encouraged to register for the 2016 Women’s Leadership Conference, which is presented by the Office of Campus Life and scheduled for Saturday, March 12, on the Russellville campus.
The theme of the conference is “I Am.” Cost is $15 per person, which may be paid at the Office of Student Services in Doc Bryan Student Services Center room 233. The conference will last from 9 a.m.-2 p.m.
Registration is available at theLINK. The deadline to register and pay is Wednesday, March 9, at 5 p.m.
Kristen Hadeed (photographed) will serve as the keynote speaker for the second annual event. Hadeed was a 21-year old junior at the University of Florida in 2009 when she founded Student Maid, a company that now employs more than 500 college students during peak times of year.
Hadeed’s TEDx talk, “How to Retire by 20,” has been viewed more than 1.7 million times on YouTube.
In addition to the keynote address, conference participants will also engage in sessions related to women’s empowerment, gender inclusivity and awareness, education and professional growth, action and activism, equity and wellness.
For more information, call (479) 968-0276.