Arkansas Tech University has published the first of three issues of Tech Action magazine for the 2016 calendar year.
Tech Action, the official magazine of the Arkansas Tech Alumni Association, is in its 52nd year.
The cover story for the first issue of 2016 is about Tech alumnus Jarod Ring and a service learning opportunity he brought to his alma mater.
Other features include a story about Tech alumnus Luke Bradshaw’s donation of a remodeled trophy case at Tucker Coliseum, a recap of Col. George T. Hudgens’ keynote address for Black History Month at Arkansas Tech and an announcement of the forthcoming induction into the Arkansas Sports Hall of Fame of Arkansas Tech’s back-to-back national championship women’s basketball teams from 1992 and 1993.
Alumni and friends of Arkansas Tech who do not receive the printed version Tech Action via traditional mail and wish to do so may call (479) 968-0242 or send e-mail to to update their mailing address.