Students wishing to apply to become a resident assistant (RA) should turn in their application by 5 p.m. today.
Residence Life is seeking applicants who wish to be a role model to students in the Arkansas Tech community and are interested in encouraging academic, social and personal growth.
Students interested in applying for a RA position must have a minimum of 2.5 grade point average and have experience living in university housing.
Applications are available in the Wilson Hall Operations Office, and should be returned to the same location.
Interviews will be held during the evening this week. Officials say interviewers will take a “speed dating” approach for the first time this year to allow students to get to know more resident directors.
Letters will be sent to those selected on Monday, March 12. Candidate decisions are due by Friday, March 16.
Interested individuals are encouraged to talk to their current RA and resident director (RD) about the position.