Prepping for Spring Storms

As spring temperatures return, the threat of severe weather in the Natural State increases.  Arkansas Tech has designated key sheltering areas in many of its buildings in an effort to keep students, faculty and staff safe in severe weather.

Emergency Management students at Arkansas Tech have evaluated many of the campus building to find the safest areas within the buildings.

The sheltering areas are determined based on a variety of factors including the layout of the building, the number of people likely to be in each building and the uses of facilities near the sheltering areas. The goal of each sheltering area is to ensure the “safest environment possible” should a tornado or other forms of severe weather approach Arkansas Tech University.

The sheltering areas are posted at each building, and Tech officials say students, faculty and staff should be familiar with these areas.

Tech officials say should severe weather strike, students, faculty and staff are encouraged to locate the nearest sheltering area and remain there until the severe weather passes.

Click here to see the sheltering areas for buildings on the Arkansas Tech Campus.
