The Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) organization at Arkansas Tech University – Ozark Campus selected officers to serve during the 2010-2011 school year.
President Doug Rye of Mansfield
Vice President Dee Crowley of Ozark
Treasurer Katie Brown of Knoxville
Reporter Sheila Brewer of Rudy
Parliamentarian Jenny Harden of Clarksville
Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) is the national organization that brings business and education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership and career development. Ms. Debbie Wofford, Business Technology chair and PBL advisor stated, “PBL is an integral part of the instructional program and, in addition, promotes a sense of civic and personal responsibility.”
Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda is the largest business career student organization in the world.
Pictured (l-r): Jenny Harden, Katie Brown, Sheila Brewer, Dee Crowley, and Doug Rye.