Students in the Phi Beta Lambda Chapter at Arkansas Tech – Ozark recently assisted in cleaning up their “Adopt-A-Highway” mile. Since its inception, the Phi Beta Lambda business students’ organization has helped with the trash pickup on their adopted mile west of Ozark on Highway 64 annually.
The Adopt-A-Highway program allows volunteer groups to adopt a section of state highway for the purpose of litter control. The object of the program is to increase public awareness of the monumental task of managing Arkansas’ rights-of-way and to promote public involvement. With more than 100,000 acres of right-of-way to maintain along the 16,419-mile State Highway System, litter has become a major concern. Not only does it detract from our state’s natural beauty, it costs Arkansas taxpayers nearly $4.0 million annually to pick up.
To learn more about the Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department’s Adopt-A-Highway program and to request an agreement form, please call (501) 569-2227 or email
Phi Beta Lambda Students assisting (l-r): Latosha Taylor, Dawn Smith, Dani Stark, Ms. Debra Wofford, PBL Chapter Representative for Arkansas Tech – Ozark, Debra Bono, and Doug Rye.