Arkansas Tech University-Ozark Campus students are giving back to the city of Ozark by helping the city with its website. Students taking a course in website design worked with the city to create a new site.
The previous website contained oudated information, and the city decided it needed to create a new site. City officials approached the Ozark Campus for help in the task.
Kale Rudolph, CIS instructor, teaches a course in web design, and students enrolled in the class are required to design, build and present the site to a client. The final step is to launch the site on the internet.
“When they come out of the course they have experience working on a Web page,” said Rudolph. “They can go to a business or hang up their shingle, do the work from start to finish and start producing income.”
Rudolph says working with the city of Ozark was a great fit for the scope of the class. He says the students enjoyed working on the project, and the new site features information on city government, business, tourism and development.
Some of the students participating in the class traveled to Kansas City for the national SkillsUSA Competition, where they were honored with a silver medal for their work on the project.