Photographed from the Leadership Franklin County class of 2014 are: (bottom row, from left) LFC Director Marci Gage of Ozark, Justina Buck of Russellville, Paula Shaw of Ozark, Jan Stacy of Ozark and Rachel Whitman of Paris; (middle row, from left) Gina Wilkins of Clarksville, Tonya Sneed of Charleston, Ronnie Duggar of Ozark, Lauren Robinson of Cecil and Sonya Eveld of Ozark; (top row, from left) Rex Heffington of Ozark, Anthony Boen of Ozark, Ray Spruell of Ozark, Luke Holcombe of Ozark, Brandon Fisher of Charleston and Keith Moore of Ozark. Not pictured: Yvonne Case of Coal Hill, Jim Ford of Ozark and Mike Gibbons of Ozark.]]>