Orientation leader training, Aug. 20-22
Opening weekend, Aug. 23-24
New student orientation, Aug. 25-26
Students selected to serve as orientation leaders will have the opportunity to move into the residence halls early for the fall semester, meet and interact with a variety of new people, and make connections with other student leaders and advisors on campus. Additionally, students will receive all meals during the orientation program and a $450 stipend.
Applications may be picked up in Room 233 of the Doc Bryan Student Services Center, and all applications should be returned by 5 p.m. on Tuesday.
In addition to completing an application, interested students will take part in a group and individual interview.
For more information about becoming a new student orientation leader, contact Jenny Butler, coordinator of student activities and orientation, at (479) 968-0235 or by e-mail to jbutler1@atu.edu.]]>