Students interested in serving as an orientation leader next fall have until 5 p.m. Feb. 29 to turn in their application.
Orientation leaders should be willing to assist incoming students, facilitate group activities for new students, ensure new students and their families feel welcome to Tech, speak in front of both large and small groups, motivate students and attend all orientation functions.
In order to be eligible students must be full-time, degree-seeking students at Arkansas Tech in good standing with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.5. Other job descriptions include familiarity with university policies and procedures, the ability to multitask, strong communication skills, positive attitude, customer relation skills, ability to work with a variety of audiences, dependability, flexibility and responsibility.
Students selected to serve as orientation leaders will have the opportunity to move into the residence halls early for the fall semester, meet and interact with a variety of new people, and make connections with other student leaders and advisors on campus. Additionally, students will be paid a $450 stipend.
Applications may be picked up in Room 233 of the Doc Bryan Student Services Center, and all applications should be returned by 5 p.m.
In addition to completing an application, interested students will take part in a group and individual interview.
For more information about becoming a new student orientation leader, contact Jenny Butler, coordinator of student activities and orientation, at (479) 968-0235 or by e-mail to