Note Takers Needed for Fall 2015

The Arkansas Tech University Office of Disability Services is seeking note takers for the fall 2015 semester. “Note takers sharpen their own note-taking skills and improve their class performance while supporting a fellow student,” said Ashlee Wilson, coordinator of disability services. Interested students may call (479) 968‑0302 or send e-mail to Requirements for becoming a note taker through the Office of Disability Services are:

  • Attend class regularly
  • Minimum 3.0 GPA
  • Provide copies of your notes to Disability Services within one working day
Note takers are needed for the following courses:
  • ART 2123-M03, Experiencing Art; Meets TR at 5:30, Norman 105
  • GEOL 1014-002, Physical Geology; Meets MWF at 11 a.m., McEver 15
  • GEOL 1014-002, Physical Geology lab; Meets M at 1 p.m., McEver 2
  • HIST 1503-002, World History to 1500; Meets MWF at 11 a.m., Witherspoon 275
  • MATH 2934, Calculus III; Meets MWF at 10 a.m. & R at 9:30, Rothwell 211/212
  • MCEG 2013-M02, Statics; Meets MWF at 1 p.m., Corley 268
  • PHYS 2124-001, General Physics II; Meets TR at 8 a.m., McEver 152
  • SOC 1003-004, Intro to Sociology; Meets MWF at 10 a.m., Rothwell 321
There is a $75 stipend paid at the end of the term for note takers.