Arkansas Tech University will once again host the annual Miss Arkansas Tech University Scholarship Pageant on Friday, Feb. 21. The annual pageant is scheduled for 7 p.m. in the Witherspoon Auditorium and is a preliminary to the Miss Arkansas Pageant. Students wishing to compete in the pageant have until Friday, Feb. 8 to register to take part. In addition to the crown, the 2014 Miss Tech will win several thousand dollars in prizes, including a Tech scholarship. The Delta Zeta Sorority at Arkansas Tech sponsors Miss Tech, and Dr. Jim Collins, professor of horticulture, serves as pageant executive director and master of ceremonies. Admission for the pageant will be $8 for adults, $5 for children or free with a current and valid Arkansas Tech identification card. Contact Jim Collins at (479) 968-0632 or for more information or to register to participate. Be sure to log back on for more on the pageant.