Mentors Prepare for Bridge to Excellence


Faculty and staff who will be participating in the Bridge to Excellence retention program are learning today how to bridge the gap between students and success.

From 2-3 p.m. in the Doc Bryan Lecture Hall, mentors will gain a better understanding of what they can do to help students succeed during their initial college experience.

Bridge to Excellence is first-year mentoring program that helps new students navigate through their first college semester.

Additionally, the program allows students to build relationships with people who can direct them to various resources on campus.

For the past ten years, students who participate in the B2E program have returned at greater rates than non-participants and have also sported higher grade point averages.

Faculty and staff will meet their student mentees Monday following the academic welcome session at which Arkansas Tech President Dr. Robert C. Brown will advise students how they can be a successful college student and thrive at Arkansas Tech.
