Arkansas Tech students will “Light the Night” at an international festival tonight as part of WonderWeek 2012.
The festival will be from 7-9 p.m. at the Hindsman Tower. Officials say the venue will be the Hindsman Tower regardless of the whether.
International students will share various aspects of their culture throughout the evening with ethnic food, origami demonstrations and music from different countries.
A traditional lantern festival will begin at 8:45 p.m. The International and Multicultural Student Services Office encourages students to come to the event and discover a variety of cultures.
WonderWeek is the joint effort of Student Government Association, Residence Hall Association, Student Activities Board, International and Multicultural Student Services Office, Alumni Association, Greek Life and Up ‘til Dawn.
Click here for more information about WonderWeek or to access the packet of information for student organizations. Packets may also be picked up in the Office of Student Services in Doc Bryan.
Click here to Like the WonderWeek Facebook page.
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