The Arkansas Small Business and Technology Development Center is planning a seminar for people who are interested in blogging for business.
“Blogging: What’s in it for Your Business” will be held Friday, Nov. 4 from 9 a.m. to noon at the Russellville Chamber of Commerce.
The cost of the seminar is $30 for the public, $15 for Tech students and free for faculty and staff.
The seminar will highlight ways to get to the top on search engines using new internet technology, how to use simple resources to place products ahead of competitors, how to use a news aggregator and why blogging is one the most important business skills of the decade. The presenter will be Jennifer Terrell, Interim Training Coordinator for ASBTDC. The seminar is co-sponsored by the Russellville Chamber of Commerce. Click here to register or call 479-356-2067.