The Arkansas Tech University College of Arts and Humanities will host the inaugural David W. Krueger Lecture in honor of the long-time faculty member today.
Dr. Felipe Fernandez-Armesto (photographed), the William P. Reynolds Professor of History at the University of Notre Dame, will be the first speaker in what is scheduled to be an annual event.
Fernandez-Armesto will offer a lecture entitled “Change: Why it Happens, Why it Accelerates and What Might Happen Next” at the Doc Bryan Student Services Building Lecture Hall tomorrow, Oct. 19, at 6 p.m. The lecture will be free and open to the public.
Krueger taught history at Arkansas Tech from 1960-2010 and retired at the rank of associate professor. He and Dr. Richard Cohoon, professor of geology and a member of the Tech faculty from 1960 to the present, are the only individuals to give 50 or more years of service on the Arkansas Tech faculty.
“David Krueger loved to teach,” said Dr. Micheal Tarver, dean of the Arkansas Tech College of Arts and Humanities. “I can think of no better way to recognize him than to have someone present a history lecture in his honor. The fact that David admires our first lecturer makes it that much better.”
Tarver recalled that he and Krueger once reviewed a world civilization textbook written by Fernandez-Armesto. Krueger was so impressed by the text that he mentioned he would like to meet the author.
That wish will be granted this fall, but the biggest winners in the exchange will no doubt be Arkansas Tech students. In addition to his public lecture, Fernandez-Armesto will give upper-level Tech history students a one-week course. The David W. Krueger Lecture series is possible because of the generosity of an anonymous donor to the College of Arts and Humanities through the Arkansas Tech Foundation. For more information about the lecture, call (479) 968-0274.
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