Judge Gordon McCain, Judge Dennis Sutterfield and Judge Ken Coker of the Arkansas Fifth Judicial District recently hosted a meeting of approximately 50 lawyers at Arkansas Tech University to discuss an educational opportunity that may be made available to divorced parents in the near future. The meeting introduced the possibility of a class that would be offered by Counseling Associates to newly-divorced parents. The class would address issues such as conflict resolution and provide parents with strategies to ease the burden that divorce can cause for children. Data from the Centers for Disease Control National Vital Statistics System and the U.S. Census indicates that Arkansas has the second-highest divorce rate in the United States. “It was a healthy discussion about an important issue,” said Thomas Pennington, who serves as legal counsel for Arkansas Tech University and helped facilitate the meeting. “It was an informational session that helped lawyers whose clients face these issues understand the resources that are available. In the end, I believe the ultimate goal of everyone in attendance was the best interest of the children involved in these situations.” Attorneys from Johnson, Franklin and Pope counties attended the event.