Arka Tech student newspaper stated that Jerry was “always present at anything of importance at the armory,” which was a social center of campus at that time and the site of Arkansas Tech home basketball games. When the original Jerry passed away in late 1937, the headline in the Arka Tech proclaimed “Campus Loses Mascot in Passing of Jerry.” The first modern Jerry, whose full name is Jerry Charles Young I, is an English bulldog. He was introduced during a Homecoming Saturday ceremony in front of Williamson Hall on Oct. 26, 2013, which was the 103rd anniversary of the first day of classes at Arkansas Tech. During his first academic year as campus ambassador, Jerry attended a variety of campus events and alumni gatherings as well as Wonder Boys and Golden Suns athletic competitions. In keeping with the original Jerry’s connection to the armed services, Jerry is escorted to his official functions by students from the Arkansas Tech U.S. Army ROTC program. Visit to learn more about Jerry the Bulldog. Call (479) 968-0400 for more information about making a contribution to the Arkansas Tech Foundation Jerry Fund.]]>