The Arkansas Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (ArkAHPERD) has bestowed its Lifetime Achievement Award upon Arkansas Tech University faculty member Dr. Shelia Jackson.
Jackson is a professor of health and physical education. She has served on the Tech faculty since 1998.
“To receive this from my colleagues and peers in the state and in the profession, many of whom I have known for years and years…it’s humbling,” said Jackson. “I value it very much, and it’s much appreciated.”
Jackson received the award at the 2016 ArkAHPERD Conference, which was held Nov. 3-4 in Little Rock.
A graduate of Southern Arkansas University, Jackson went on to obtain her master degree from the University of Arkansas and her Ph.D. from Texas Woman’s University.
She received the Arkansas Tech Faculty Award of Excellence in the service category in 2010.
Learn more about the Arkansas Tech Department of Health and Physical Education.