It’s On Us Week of Action Begins Monday

Arkansas Tech University will participate in the “It’s On Us” National Week of Action to prevent sexual assault with a series of events beginning on Monday, Nov. 9.

Sponsoring organizations from Arkansas Tech include the Division of Student Services, Jerry Cares, the Office of Affirmative Action and Title IX, the Health and Wellness Center, Student Government Association and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity.

Members of the campus community are encouraged to use the hashtags #ITSONUS, #JERRYCARES and #ARKANSASTECH with their social media postings in support of the “It’s On Us” campaign.

Below are events scheduled for Nov. 9-12 at Arkansas Tech:

It’s On Us Pledge Drive
Monday, Nov. 9
11 a.m.-2 p.m.
Hindsman Tower
Take the pledge to be part of the solution in stopping sexual assault. Jerry Cares swag will be available for those in attendance.

It’s On Us Pledge Drive
Tuesday, Nov. 10
11 a.m.-2 p.m.
Chambers Cafeteria West Lawn
Take the pledge to be part of the solution in stopping sexual assault. Jerry Cares swag will be available for those in attendance.

Bystander Intervention Panel Discussion
Wednesday, Nov. 11
3-4 p.m.
Rothwell Hall room 138
Learn more about being an active bystander by getting input from your peers.

Take Back the Night
Thursday, Nov. 12
6:30-8 p.m.
Hindsman Tower
Stand together in support of sexual assault survivors and work together to create safe communities that focus on respectful relationships through awareness and education. Food, give-a-ways and a chance to meet Jerry the Bulldog, campus ambassador.