Arkansas Tech University students have the opportunity to celebrate International Education Week 2016 by participating in a photography contest.
The theme of the contest is “Are We Having Fun Yet?” Information provided by the Arkansas Tech International and Multicultural Student Services Office (IMSSO) states that the theme “aims to capture the experiences, memories and feelings shared by people as it relates to having fun.”
All current Arkansas Tech students are invited to upload up to five photos and a brief description of each for contest consideration. The deadline to enter the contest is 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 16.
The first place winner will receive a $100 Visa gift card, while second place will earn $75 and third place will earn $50. Winners will be announced at the International Festival and Talent Expo, which will take place at Doc Bryan Student Services Center Lecture Hall at 6 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 18.
For more information about the IEW 2016 photo contest, call (479) 964-0832 or send e-mail to
View and upload contest photos.
Learn more about International Education Week 2016 activities on campus.