Ronda Hawkins is new training coordinator for the Arkansas Small Business and Technology Development Center (ASBTDC) regional office at Arkansas Tech University.
Hawkins earned both a Bachelor of Science degree in business administration and a Master of Art degree in teaching from Arkansas Tech.
Prior to joining Arkansas Tech, Hawkins owned her own business, and she has also held positions in business administration and management for a number of years.
Hawkins says her experience as a small business owner will help her to understand the needs of those she serves.
“I hope to share my practical business knowledge with the clients of the ASBTDC and to use my organizational and teaching skills to bring relevant training seminars to small businesses in our nine-county region,” said Hawkins
Arkansas Tech has been home to an ASBTDC regional office since January 2010. The office is located on the fourth floor of Rothwell Hall.
The ASBTDC represents a partnership between the U.S. Small Business Administration, the University of Arkansas at Little Rock and other institutions of higher education in Arkansas. The center is dedicated to assisting new, existing and expanding businesses. The regional office at Arkansas Tech serves Conway, Crawford, Franklin, Johnson, Logan, Pope, Scott, Sebastian and Yell counties.