Ronda Hawkins, training specialist and business consultant for the Arkansas Small Business and Technology Development Center (ASBTDC) regional office at Arkansas Tech University, was recognized as the State Star for Arkansas during the 2015 Conference of America’s Small Business Development Centers in San Francisco, Calif.
Hawkins holds a Bachelor of Science degree and a Master of Arts degree from Arkansas Tech. She earned the State Star recognition as a result of her contributions to the statewide ASBTDC network and her performance on behalf of clients.
Each State Star winner was invited to take a tour of the headquarters for Intuit, Google and Facebook as part of their visit to California for the conference.
“The day was fabulous,” said Hawkins. “It was intriguing to see how different the cultures are at these places compared to more traditional businesses. Workers are encouraged to stay on campus and have many freedoms and all-inclusive amenities at their disposal to help them manage their personal and professional lives. I was surprised at the sheer size of all three organizations.”
Learn more about the ASBTDC regional office at Arkansas Tech.