Arkansas Tech University student Dania Castillo played the role of veteran leader during Green and Gold Give Back 2020.
A sophomore elementary education major from De Queen, Castillo spent the morning of Saturday, Nov. 7, at Lake Dardanelle State Park with some of her sisters from Alpha Sigma Tau sorority.
They raked leaves and built relationships while contributing to ATU’s largest annual day of service.
“We have a bunch of new members out here, so I get to know them,” said Castillo. “It’s definitely a big bonding experience for us.
“I really like it because it brings the Tech community together and gives us an opportunity to participate in an annual tradition of service,” continued Castillo. “It was fun last year, so I want to do this every year I can. It benefits us as students, the university in its entirety and the community. Especially now due to COVID, it’s very important to help and give back as much as we can. It feels good when you give back.”
ATU students fanned out over 21 locations for Green and Gold Give Back 2020. A total of 96 students participated in the program, which was adjusted this year to ensure the safety of participants in light of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
Founded in 2013, Green and Gold Give Back is an annual student volunteer effort orchestrated by the ATU Department of Campus Life.
“Civic engagement has been harder than ever to engage in during the pandemic, but at the end of the day, we recognized how important it was to serve the community of Russellville,” said Chelsea Lairamore, ATU interim assistant dean for campus life. “This year we worked outside, in smaller groups and with masks so that we could work to lower the spread of COVID.”
More information about the civic engagement programs facilitated by the ATU Department of Campus Life is available at www.atu.edu/service.