Greek life at Arkansas Tech has grown vastly during the past few years. With Greek men and women gearing up for recruitment, Greek letters will be seen across campus.
The Greek process might sound confusing to newcomers. Ally Griffin, vice president of recruitment for the College Panhellenic Council, advises any female interested in joining a sorority to attend formal orientation.
Griffin says all females are invited to attend. “Some say our sororities only want freshmen, but this is totally untrue. We love to get upper classmen too; most of the time upperclassmen come with leadership ability which is a value among all our fraternities.”
For more information about Greek life at Arkansas Tech, visit the website.
Sorority recruitment schedule:
Monday, Sept. 13 8-9 p.m. and 9-10 p.m. – Formal Orientation
- This is for women going through recruitment. Information will be shared about the process and questions will be answered. Girls can attend either session to meet their Rho Sigma (a Greek female who remains unaffiliated throughout rush).
Wednesday, Sept. 15 and Thursday, Sept. 16 – Round I: Leadership and Scholarship Night
- This is the first night of recruitment in which ladies will meet sorority chapters as a whole in the recruitment setting.
Saturday, Sept. 18, time TBA – Family Day
- All Greeks will be tailgating.
Monday, Sept. 20 and Tuesday, Sept. 21 – Round II: Philanthropy Round
- Women will learn about each chapter’s philanthropy and what they do to honor and raise money for them.
Wednesday, Sept. 22, 8:30-10:30 p.m. – Round III: College Panhellenic Council Round
- Women will meet with the Rho Sigma to make their final selections before declaring a preference.
Thursday, Sept. 23, 4:30-6 p.m. – Round IV: College Panhellenic Council Round II
Friday, Sept. 24, 6:45 p.m. – Preference Night
- Ladies get an insight into the ritual of Greek life.
Saturday, Sept. 25, 11 a.m. – Bid Day
- This is when ladies find out which sorority they have been invited to join and the affiliation of the Rho Sigmas and CPC Executive Board.
Here are some highlights of the facts about each Greek organization at Tech.
College Panhellenic Council
Delta Zeta was founded in 1902 and now claims more than 220,000 initiated members. The sorority’s colors are rose and green, the flower is a Pink Killarney rose, and the jewel is a diamond. A turtle, the sorority mascot, represents more than 158 collegiate chapters. Delta Zeta advocates awareness of speech and hearing problems and sponsors The Painted Turtle Camp. Delta Zeta website
Phi Mu was founded in 1852. There are more than 175,000 initiated members in approximately 230 chapters who help raise money and volunteer for Children’s Miracle Network. The fraternity mascot is a lion, the colors are rose and white, and the flower is a rose carnation. Phi Mu website
Zeta Tau Alpha was founded in 1898 and now has 152 collegiate chapters with more than 206,000 initiated members. The official philanthropy of Zeta Tau Alpha is breast cancer education and awareness. A crown is the official symbol of the sorority, the colors are turquoise blue and steel gray and the flower is the white violet. Zeta Tau Alpha website
Interfraternity Council
Alpha Gamma Sigma was founded in 1923 to create a social and professional agriculture group. Fraternity colors are royal blue and silver, the symbol is a plow, and the flower is a red rose. The Shoes that Fit program is the national philanthropy. There are 8 chapters. Alpha Gamma Sigma website
Alpha Tau Omega (colony status) is a leadership fraternity founded in 1865. Fraternity colors are azure and old gold, the official symbol is the heraldic cross pattee and the flower is a white tea rose. There are 250 chartered chapters. Alpha Tau Omega created the LeaderShape Institute, Inc. program. Alpha Tau Omega website
Kappa Sigma was founded in 1869 and has initiated more than 245,000 men. The fraternity’s flower is the lily of the valley and colors are scarlet, white and emerald green. Kappa Sigma has approximately 340 chapters internationally. Kappa Sigma website
Phi Lambda Chi was founded in 1925 at the University of Central Arkansas. There are 17 chapters. Phi Lambda Chi website
Sigma Phi Epsilon was founded in 1901 on the principles of virtue, diligence and brotherly love. There are approximately 14,500 members in 257 chapters. The official symbol of the fraternity is a golden heart and the flowers are violet and dark red roses. The national philanthropy is youth AIDS. Sigma Phi Epsilon website
Sigma Pi was founded in 1897. Fraternity colors are lavender, white and gold. The official flower recognized by the fraternity is the lavender orchid and the fraternity jewel in an emerald. There are more than 124 active chapters with approximately 7,000 members. Sigma Pi philanthropies are The Ace Project and the Sam Spady Project. Sigma Pi website
National Pan-Hellenic Council
Alpha Phi Alpha was founded in 1906. The fraternity colors are black and old gold, the flower is a yellow rose and the official symbol is the Great Sphinx of Giza. There are more than 680 chapters and more than 185,000 lifetime members. Alpha Phi Alpha aims include manly deeds, scholarship and love for all mankind. Alpha Phi Alpha website
Kappa Alpha Psi was founded in 1911 and now has 700 chapters. Fraternity colors are crimson and cream and the official symbol is the diamond. The fraternity flower is a red carnation. Guide Right, a informational and inspirational program for the guidance of youth, is the philanthropy of Kappa Alpha Psi. Kappa Alpha Psi website
Phi Beta Sigma was founded in 1914. Their motto is “Culture for service and service for humanity.” Phi Beta Sigma colors are royal blue and pure while, the official symbol is a dove and the flower is a white carnation. Phi Beta Sigma website