Girls of Promise Set for Feb. 5

In just over a week, eighth-grade girls from across the Arkansas River Valley will converge on Arkansas Tech for the third annual Girls of Promise Conference.

The conference is one of six hosted around the state and put on by the Women’s Foundation of Arkansas.  The conference at Arkansas Tech will take place on Saturday, February 5.

According to the Women’s Foundation of Arkansas website, “the Girls of Promise initiative has introduced thousands of eighth-grade girls across Arkansas to information about careers in areas related to economics, science, technology, engineering and mathematics, while giving them the opportunity to meet with women professionals for greater understanding of their own potential and power.”

Organizers say the conferences allow girls to “meet other girls like themselves and realize that it’s okay to be a bright, motivated girl with big dreams.”

During the conference, 60 area girls will have the chance to participate in several workshops, learn about career opportunities through hands-on experiences, and meet local and state-wide women who excel in their careers.

As part of this year’s conference, Arkansas First Lady Mrs. Ginger Beebe will address the girls in attendance.

Additionally, Janet Ply will serve as the keynote speaker.  Ply is the managing partner of the Texas-based company Pendére, which was formed in 1993 to provide information technology solutions to Fortune 1000 companies.

The Women’s Foundation of Arkansas works to “promote philanthropy among women and to help women and girls achieve their full potential.”

To find out more about the conference, visit the Women’s Foundation of Arkansas website.
