Dr. Jan Jenkins, professor of history and director of University Honors at Arkansas Tech University, has announced that Dr. Jamie Earls and Dr. Emily Hoffman will serve as assistant directors of University Honors effective July 1, 2018.
Earls (photographed, left) is assistant professor of emergency management at Arkansas Tech. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in emergency management and a Master of Science degree in emergency management and homeland security from ATU. She earned her Doctor of Philosophy degree from the University of Central Arkansas.
Hoffman (photographed, right) is associate professor of English at ATU. She received her Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degrees in English from the University of Kansas and added a Doctor of Philosophy degree from Oklahoma State University.
According to its web page, ATU University Honors is “designed to elevate the college learning experience” by offering courses that are “conscientiously designed to be small in size and to promote interaction, not only with peers, but with professors as well.”
Qualifications for ATU University Honors include a minimum cumulative high school grade point average of 3.5 and either top 10 percent position in the prospective student’s graduating class or a minimum ACT composite score of 27.
For more information, visit www.atu.edu/honors or send e-mail to ejenkins@atu.edu.