More than 100 high school students from across the state will benefit from the experience and knowledge of several Arkansas Tech University College of Natural and Health Sciences professors as they prepare for advanced placement exams.
More than 100 high school students from across the state will benefit from the experience and knowledge of several Arkansas Tech University College of Natural and Health Sciences professors as they prepare for advanced placement exams.
Students enrolled in AP chemistry, biology and environmental science courses will be on the Arkansas Tech campus Saturday to study with Arkansas Tech students and professors.
The event is part of the Arkansas Advanced Initiative in Math and Science, a statewide program designed to help increase the enrollment and completion of AP exams. As part of the program, students are able to take part in study days to help prepare for the exams.
During Saturday’s session, about 60 students enrolled in environmental science courses will take part in ecology workshops. During the morning workshop, students will learn about characteristics of streams and chemical water testing. As part of the afternoon workshop, students will learn about aquatic invertebrate communities as indicators of stream water quality. The students will also have the opportunity to sample a stream on the Tech campus and perform an analysis of the invertebrate communities.
Nearly 50 students will be attending the chemistry and biology study sessions. Students in those study sessions will have the opportunity to work with Tech professors and students to review the material that will be covered on the test and to take part in drills to better understand how the test works.
Visit the Arkansas Tech College of Natural and Health Sciences website to learn more about the programs available at Arkansas Tech University.