College of Business Recognizes Students

Arkansas Tech University College of Business students were honored for their scholastic efforts Tuesday afternoon during an awards program in the Chambers Cafeteria East Banquet Hall.

Elliott Brown received the College of Business Leadership Award.  Brown, a native of Greenwood, will graduate with journalism and a business degree from Arkansas Tech.

In addition to his studies, he has been active in a variety of campus organizations including Who’s Who Among American University and College Students, Presidential Leadership Cabinet, Students In Free Enterprise, the College of Business Student Advisory Board, the Tech Loyalty Fund senior class gift committee and Beta Gamma Sigma.

Here is a list of top award winners from Tuesday’s banquet:

  • Billy Ramsey SIFE Award– Amanda Sparks
  • National Business Education Award– Connie Westcott
  • College of Business Ambassador Award– Jaime Dillon
  • Gary K. Burris Outstanding Accounting Scholar– Kelly Minter-Schneider
  • Robert A. Young Outstanding Business Award–Jon Hoffman
  • Joseph L. Moore Outstanding Economics Award– William Snellings
  • Excellence in Teaching Award– Dr. Stephen Jones

Other students recognized during the program included those selected for Who’s Who Among American University and College Students, student organization leaders, Beta Gamma Sigma inductees, those students earning departmental scholarships and fellowships and those students earning a grade point averages of 3.5 or higher.

See additional photographs from the event.
