Five Arkansas Tech University choirs will take the stage for a winter concert at Witherspoon Auditorium on Monday, Feb. 27.
The performances will begin at 7:30 p.m. Admission will be free and open to the public.
Scheduled to appear are the Arkansas Tech Women’s Chorus under the direction of Holly Ruth Gale, the Arkansas Tech Men’s Chorus under the direction of Dr. Jon F. Clements and the Arkansas Tech University Choir, Chamber Choir and Concert Chorale under the direction of Gary Morris.
The Clarksville High School Chamber Choir will make a guest appearance, which will include a combined performance of “The Plans I Have for You” with the Arkansas Tech Concert Chorale.
Morris said the highlight of the evening will be a performance of “Winter Images.” The piece was composed by Arkansas Tech music faculty member Philip Parker, and it will be performed by the Arkansas Tech Concert Chorale and the Arkansas Tech Percussion Ensemble.
For more information about public performances hosted by the Arkansas Tech Department of Music, call (479) 968-0368.